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Sell It

Congratulations on your decision to sell your home. We are always happy to engage and help you figure out the best solutions for your needs. We have a range of options to suit every situation.

We partner with certified professionals who have undergone vetting and background checks to ensure that they can handle your case effectively. Our service provision is done with the utmost care for our clients and our knowledgeable team guides you through all the procedures step-by-step.

We work closely with a range of industry experts to make sure that all our interactions run smoothly. Our partners include attorneys, title companies, mortgage brokers, general contractors, real estate brokers, landscape experts and handymen. All these are licensed professionals who are certified in Florida.
If you think your home is at risk of foreclosure, don’t panic, take action!

Severe Results of Inaction

In case your home is facing an imminent foreclosure don’t just sit back and let the situation get worse. Always try and actively seek a solution however serious your situation may seem. If you fail to take appropriate action these are some of the unfortunate outcomes:

You are likely to lose your treasured home to foreclosure.

Possibly the scariest outcome of the potential loss of your home is to become homeless.

You may suffer the unfortunate shame of getting escorted off your property by the sheriff.

You stand to lose equity in your property which you’ve worked so hard to build.

The implications of inaction lead to hefty fines, fees and you could incur daily increments of interest payments.

A foreclosure will negatively affect your credit report and this will also reflect in public records.

If you choose to file bankruptcy it will appear on your credit report for up to 10 years and you will not be able to buy another home with a mortgage for a period of no less than 2 years.

Fortunately, there is hope but it will all depend on your circumstances. Here are some options to choose from when facing foreclosure:

Severe Results of Inaction

When you’re facing an imminent foreclosure you have to weigh all your options and see what suits you best. The fastest and possibly the most viable way of selling your house is a quick cash sale.


An outright cash sale can quickly alleviate your immediate financial pressure and help you figure out your next move.

All the transactions can be done over a relatively short period of time, saving you the agony of long drawn-out procedures.

Choosing Intrust Solutions to guide you through the process will save you time and money. You will also avoid the hassle of negotiation, unpredictable lenders, excessive commissions and other financially draining service fees.


Letting go of your dream home can be a heavy burden to bear. The option to sell is hard but often the only way out of a difficult situation.

Bottomline – The most prudent option for pre-foreclosure family homes is a cash sale option. The process is relatively quick and when you call us we will direct you to the right investors for your property.

Do you think any of the options will work for you?

You could sell to a Wholesaler

A wholesaler’s work in this context is to find pre-foreclosure homes and link financially distressed homeowners with potential buyers/investors. They normally get an assignment fee for every successful sale and this is how they make their money.


The advantage of selling to a wholesaler is that you’ll be able to receive quick financial redress in your time of need.

If the wholesaler offers a good price for your home you’ll be able to pay off (or partly) your outstanding financial dues and maintain a decent credit rating.

Wholesalers may give you an offer before the foreclosure proceedings begin which gives you some time to relocate. This is important especially if you have a family that requires ample housing security.

Most wholesalers offer cash for your house and the transactions are typically completed in a short time. This is beneficial because it avoids long-drawn-out procedures which can be hectic.

Selling directly to an investor is more beneficial to you because it cuts out all the red tape that comes with transactions involving middle men.


You may receive some offers that are below your expectations.

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Book a Free 15 min Solutions Consultation or contact us by 386-663-1360 /

We Help you find resolution to complex real property Concern – Sean Allen

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